
Stupid License Plate Platitude
I just saw one of the dumbest license plate rounders I've ever seen. Its the "No God, No Peace, Know God, Know Peace" thing and I just had to write this out before I lose my pissed off edge.

First off, damned near every single conflict of any magnitude in the history of mankind has been over religious differences or based on differences. Boil them down, distill them to their essences and you find that they are theologically based. So No God would seem to indicate that we'd Know Peace. Without religion there would be no Jihads, no Crusades, no Holy Wars, no persecutions, no justified genocides. (Note: subsequent conversations with my ever ready to argue cousin have forced me to amend my stance here to one of using religion as a weapon to engage in wars. I will have to expand this thought some to be more coherent but the basic premise is that religion isn't the reason, its the excuse.)

Religion may be the opiate of the masses but its also a galvanizer, a divider of peoples. Look at the current abortion struggles in this country. We have assholes telling women what they can and cannot do with their own body, the one possession that each of us born free human beings truly own that cannot be taken away. Why? Because their religious beliefs dictate that all life is sacred and thus cannot be killed wantonly. We have narrow minded church fucks heckling, picketing and blowing up medical clinics (MEDICAL CLINICS) for the "crime" of performing a legal medical procedure.

Perhaps I'm broad stroking this too much and there's more to it than this. But that stupid license plate holder pisses me off. Same as the idiots who come to my door trying to tell me about God's plan for me. Um, last I knew, God didn't plan a damned thing for me and he/she/it sure as hell didn't tell some door to door religion salesman what the plan was.

I think people need to treat religion like their sexuality. Keep it to your fucking self (yeah, yeah, pun intended). So long as its legal (which raises plenty of other issues that I won't go into here) and/or not immoral (which, again, is subjective). How about this? Don't ask me about my religious beliefs and I won't ask you about yours. Don't tell me about your religious beliefs and you won't have to hear about mine. And maybe we'll stay friends and won't have to Jihad on each other.

And don't even get me started on the WWJD? crap. What Would Jesus Do? Not a thing, he's been dead for two THOUSAND YEARS. Figure it out for yourselves, mutants.