
Of Iraqi Ass Maps and Three Kings Loot Come to Life

Soldiers Questioned about Missing Iraqi Cash. I'm sure all of these guys have seen the movie, Three Kings with Clooney, Ice Cube and Marky Mark about finding an Iraqi ass map leading to a fortune in Iraqi gold. Or maybe they just lost their minds when they came upon $650 million in cash and figured that they could steal some and no one would notice. But they failed to remember one tiny but very, very important detail. That was a movie, you're in real life. There's just about no damned way you idiots were going to get away with stealing money there. How would you get it home? On a military transport? Umm, good thinking.

About as smart as the nimrods who tried to ship home stolen gold plated weapons on military transports. Do they honestly think that the US would not search packages for Iraqi artifacts? I guess so because they tried it and now they get to do prison time in Leavenworth or where ever they put criminally stupid soldiers. One thing I learned from the article above is that it wasn't just the military that was stealing things. Apparently a decent number of journalists were also implicated in the thefts. So much for objective reporting.

Other News: I've Got a Spam Solution
I was thinking this morning, as I was creating ever more spam filters to get rid of the noxious stuff, that one way to cut down on spamming and spammers would be to offer rewards or bounties for information leading to their conviction. Turn the tables and make them into the criminals they truly are.

Say a thousand bucks for information leading to the conviction of a spammer? In a depressed economy that becomes a pretty decent reward for getting rid of bottom feeding scum bag who's sole purpose is to send out unwanted email. Often disgusting proposals and ads for grotesque sexual acts or sexual enhancers or those unutterably stupid Nigerian money scams or the international driver's licenses or whatever else.

I wouldn't need the incentive but it would make things that much sweeter to send a spamming asshole to jail if I were to get a kick back of $1000.

I'm thinking of the long time ago practice of paying hunters and farmers for coyote skins. And no I'm wholly advocating the skinning of spammers but it would send a pretty strong message to the rest of the fools. Spam shouldn't and won't be tolerated anymore. Spam people and you risk your own life and freedom.

There's always a way.