
Quokka Soccer: Australia's Shame
Authorites in Canberra, Australia are struggling to stop an incredibly stupid and violent past time of Aussies on holiday called Quokka soccer. Basically these tough assholes get shitfaced and then go stomp on Quokkas, a docile marsupial that poses no threat to anyone.

Youths Sentenced for 'Quokka' Killings details the story. How sickening of these punks, they should do jail time instead of community service. Let them get stomped for a few months and see how they like it.

Take a look at this.....
Now, what could possibly make you want to stomp it to death?

Local Pal News
A good buddy of mine is one of the main people behind the Santa Cruz Film Festival which is coming up next month. Generally short films of all kinds, lots of locally produced, great stuff that is well worth some time to check it out. Our movie project fell through for various reasons but there might still be time to get something together. Got the new S400 and my iMovie, I bet I can whip something up in short order. I'm thinking something to do with the mountain bike scene in Santa Cruz. But that'll be a bandwidth issue, not enough time and too much to do.

Perhaps I'll add it to next year's list of things to undertake.
I've also added the link to my sideboard, hope I can help drive some traffic his way as all his hard work deserves as much recognition as he can get. And the festival is a very, very good one too. Cannes ain't got nothing on Santa Cruz.