Two Quick Issues, One Good, One Pure Evil
And by evil, I mean just incredibly freakin' irritating but we'll get there in a moment.
First, Jay was cool enough to put together a favicon for the URL bar for Intellectual Poison. If you are using Internet Explorer then you won't be able to see it because Bill Gates hates you (and everyone else too). But it looks very cool in Netscape and Mozilla and (assumedly) Safari but I'll have to check that when I get home tonight.
And now to the pure evil pain in the freakin' ass. We were supposed to meet up with the realtor to get access to the house so we could have it inspected for termite damage as there is no way we are buying any house without a proper inspection first to make sure we're not getting a hollow walled money pit of a house. So P took some time out from her afternoon and went over to the house. The termite inspector guy was there on time. The problem? The goddamned realtor never showed up! Upon calling in to her office, P found out that she had a family emergency and that's fine, I can understand that life throws you a curveball every now and again. But, if you are a paid agent for someone and you have an appointment to keep with people then you need to damn well make sure someone else covers your ass for you. Even if they just had someone calling to reschedule, that would have been plenty. But no, nothing. And the realtor, admittedly has other things on her mind, but still she needs to keep on top of her business as well or she'll find herself out of business. And now we have to wait again until she gets her shit cleared up. There's no way we're moving into this house until all of this stuff has been cleared and she apologizes to P for wasting her (and my) time.
Another New Word Alert
Another new word to add to the ever growing lexicon of Intellectual Poison.
Conflucked - the state of being confused and conflicted about whether or not to bump uglies with that cute chick you met at the bar even though you're married/dating or otherwise off the market.
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