
A Christmas Mystery
This isn't really about Christmas but since its Christmas day today and this is what I'm posting about then its a Christmas mystery.

Why do software makers lie when it comes to status bars? You know, when you're installing some new widget for your computer or waiting for the connection manager stuff to load up the template or whatever and that status bar ticks off the percentage of "doneness" the install is and then it gets to 99% and hangs and hangs and hangs? What is the deal with that? Its ridiculous to think that they don't believe people will notice that half the install time is spent at 99% waiting for it to finish up.

And it bothers the hell out of me waiting for that final percentage point to finish. Why can't they just recalibrate it for honesty? If it will take three minutes then spread that three minutes across the whole percentage range? Otherwise I get pissed off waiting and waiting for that final single percentage point to finish up.

Merry Christmas, hope you all have enough batteries and didn't get stiffed by Santa this year (unless you're a Jehovah's Witness and then you knew it was coming anyway).