Aren't They Taking Things A Little Too Far?
The news this morning was filled with lots of lovely joy, some asshole sexual predator attacked a jogger and molested her before she could get away, Gavin Newsome is the mayor elect of San Francisco and I've got to say he's the best looking and best coifed mayor the city's had in a long time and I think he's got the stones for the job
No fruitcake through airport security? Why? What danger does a fruitcake pose, aside from indigestion? Are they thinking its so dense that it could be used as a weapon. I would have loved to have sat in on the meeting to decided that fruitcakes were too dangerous to allow in carry on luggage just to hear the reasoning.
Maybe they meant to say that fruitcakes, i.e. nutters or crazy whack jobs who try to hijack planes with rolled up newspapers, weren't allowed on planes anymore, but I thought that was already a given. can someone explain the fruitcake ban to me?
Celebrity Lawyers?
An open question to the masses: Does anyone give a damn what celebrity whore lawyer Gloria Allred says anymore? This is a lawyer with a higher profile than Johnny Cochran, Alan Dershowitz and Mark Geragos combined. She is the tireless defender of whatever legal case has the highest public coverage. Scot Peterson? Check. Michael Jackson? Check. The woman suing Governor Gropinator, Rhonda Miller? Check.
Can anyone say, overexposed?
By the way, is it just me or does the name Rhonda connotate a sleazy kind of girl you used to know back in high school who was best known for the ease of getting laid? Maybe its just me because I can remember a girl I used to know (not THAT well).
Important Parking Lot News
The construction project in the parking lot that my office overlooks is, at long last, done. Only three weeks late on a month long project! Woohoo! I'm sure the tapping of the water main didn't help but it was pretty apparent that there were some sub par minds at work out there. I'm just glad they didn't topple an excavator into the building and kill all of us. But at least now I've got my sightseeing to look forward to again. Maybe there will be a few drug deals out there later on today that I can report on or, at the very least, a homeless roach pissing on the parking garage wall, that's always nice, especially since there's a public rest room less than a hundred and fifty feet away and they're too lazy, drunk, stoned or whatever to use it.
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