
How Not to Start Your Day
The first thing to not do is to think its Wednesday and not Tuesday. I've been having trouble keeping within today because I keep wanting to think its later in the week. No real reason except that I just keep feeling like its tomorrow already and then I get caught in a never ending loop. If today is tomorrow then tomorrow must be the day after and therefore I can't ever be here today because today is yesterday.
Its damned hard to keep in the here and now right now.

Anyway, as with Ryan's adventures with canine dookie bombs, my morning was punctuated by stink as well. I had the good fortune to get caught behind a recycling truck. And it was filling the air with that sweet and sickly stink of rotting foodstuffs, putrid liquid and just plain stinkity stuff. From each corner of the back it was leaking a rather noxious and splash happy mixture of ick that was a most unseemly color of grey. I gave the truck a very wide margin in front of me to try and avoid being splashed by the nasty trash soup. And, hold on, smell check says I'm clean.

New Word News
Came up with this while commenting on another blog last night.
Shopper's Amnesia - that most irritating issue of running into a store to get something only to find out that you can't remember what it was you wanted. There are variations like the Musical Amnesia for CD shopping, Movie Amnesia when trying to get a rental movie and a bunch more, I'm sure.

No, its not all that new a concept or words but I'm adding it here because it drives me nuts and that's plenty enough of a reason for me.

But wait, there's much more to come later on today!