
I Think We Can Have This One Wrapped Up By Suppertime
Reacting badly to a stupid prank day where the Amish throw rotten tomatoes and now paintballs at passing cars from a cornfield, one Cadillac driver who was baiting them by driving by, yelling at them and then driving by again, declared War on the Amish and opened fire into the cornfield with a shotgun.

One 23 year old Amish man was hit multiple times in the chest and died.

I understand both mentalities pretty well. The one is generally harmless humor in throwing rotting fruit at strangers in their scary mechanized boxes on wheels, "Ey Brother John, what pray tell is yon rolling box with the windows?" "I do not believe that I could answer your question with much certainty, brother Seamus, but I think it would be a prudent and useful use of these old rotting tomatoes to hurl them at that windowed box on wheels with all the force our god fearing arms can muster."

And there's the other side, why in the hell are strange people with goofy hats, funny accents and no cable tv throwing rotten fruit and vegetables at anyone? And wouldn't someone grow out of that by 20? Sure, egging houses on Halloween is a time honored tradition but that's kids, not 23 year old cultural oddities like the Amish.

Anyway, shame the kid died and shame on the jerkass driver who kept going back and forth to make sure they weren't going to throw tomatoes at him so he had to, he had to shoot into the corn. I do expect they'll find him and put him in jail for a long time. Its just not safe to have utter fools keeping deadly weapons at the ready.