
Spoke Too Soon or, I'm Just So Torn About Oklahoma Now

Saw this on the news this morning, Ebbers Faces Criminal Charges in Oklahoma. And now I just don't know what to think about the OK state. On the one hand they are the first to bring charges against these greedheaded idiots who ran WorldCom into the ground and then buried it under something like $11 billion dollars in accounting errors. Now if only Lay and Skilling would get charged for their share of the Enron debacle.....

And then there's the other side of the coin where they are prosecuting a teenager for writing a short story that had no relation to anything he might consider doing in real life, the assault of his high school. The Seattle Post Intelligencer (post intelligence is what exactly? smart enough to not run into one or what happens when you used to be smart and burned all those braincells?) has this article up Can Thought Police Safeguard Our Kids? The article's author, Brian Chin finsihes up the short piece with this important question, "It's a scary world where schools need to be on guard for students who might suddenly commit mass murder. It's even scarier if people can be prosecuted for just thinking about it."

Oh Oklahoma, why do you torment me so?