
Mommas, Don't Let Your Sons Grow Up to be Assholes
I'm not quite sure why or even really how but I've been feeling like I've been an asshole lately. I can trace a little bit of it to this last weekend but I think that's more symptom than cause.

When I think about it, I can trace it back to the continuing situation with the person I work with who drives me nuts. And that's wrong. There's no way I want this tiny microcosm situation to infect the rest of my life with its poison. So I'm going to make a more concerted effort to be less asshole and more pal.

I'm not even sure if its something that anyone else notices or even cares about but I've left a few conversations and meet ups with pals wondering why in the hell I said some of the things I did. Or when I talk with a co-worker who tells me about being more PC (a term I really and truly fucking hate because its basically a throttle on being who you are but maybe that's a post for another time).

So there ya go, my overt attempt to reprogram my daily interactions. However, that sentiment might have to take a back seat for the second half of this post.