
Cycling's New Tough Guy
And he wears spandex, rides a skinny tire bike and can grit his way through having a broken collarbone to win a stage in the most grueling cycling race in the world.

Today's Tour news: Armstrong Retains Lead as Hamilton Takes Glory in which Tyler Hamilton won his first ever stage of the Tour de France.

Back on July 6th, SFGate stuck a fork in him by proclaiming that Tyler Hamilton Will Likely Pull out of the Race because of the huge crash he was involved in that resulted in his collar bone being broken.

I don't know how hard it is to function with a busted collarbone but I've had plenty of other broken bones in the course of my life and not a single one them made anything easier than without it being broken. Its a testament to his mental toughness that he didn't quit as many predicted.

And it will not be the last time he's heard from on the international stage. Lance can't have all that many more tours in him and then it becomes left up to those he leaves behind.

You've gotta respect a man who battles on spite of pain, in spite of the knowledge that he won't win the Tour this year but he can still place in the top ten (he's currently 6th). He's an inspiration to many people and it seems like more people are on their bikes lately than before. Maybe the world's catching Tour Fever?

War in Iraq News
Not a whole lot of movement on the Kobe front right now pending his first court appearance but luckily ShrubCo has brought us the deaths of the number 2 and 3 most wanted Iraqi's, Saddam's sons Uday and Qusay (or however you want to spell their names since I've seen them both spelled at least three different ways already).
And, from all accounts, these were two of the most vicious and hate filled scum bag bastards on the planet.

One's favorite method of torture was to drop people into shredders, sometimes head first. And he also enjoyed using a chainsaw to chop of their feet.

These two were no benefit to anyone and the world really is a better place for their having been killed. The reporter with the word on how they died and everything got into some detail about how they made sure. One of the two had been shot in the face or had something go through his face and bash out a good portion of his teeth so they were only 90% sure it was him. The other one had no teeth missing from his manner of death and they were 100% on him.

It is heartening to know that they were attempting to disguise themselves which indicates that they were running scared before they were caught and killed. If Saddam is still kicking then I would guess he's not having a very good time with all of this. Although he must be enjoying the random violence and deaths that his loyalists are exacting on the occupation. Its not like it will stop the process but it is the same as sticking a burr under a horse's saddle, it'll piss it off even if there's not a thing it can do about it.

Okay, so how many does that leave free from the notorious deck of cards? A few and a few big ones like the Ace of Spades himself. But they're moving forward and that's the good part because the sooner its over the sooner we can move on to alerting the American public to the stew of lies, half truths and utter nonsense our current regime has seen fit to disclose.

A few monsters gone, many, many more remain.
What kind of a culture does one have to grow up in to enjoy torturing people and killing them? And so, on top of all his other crimes, I now have to pronounce that Saddam is a bad father as well. What kind of a sick fucker wants his children to grow up to be monsters like themself? What kind of bugger would inflict his own madness on those he should love and want to protect. But I guess when you've got such an utterly miswired freak of nature then it only stands to reason that his offspring will inherit a good portion of his insanity. Can you hear the marching boots now, Saddam? They're coming for you.