
Weekly Cheddar X
Oh boy, fun questions to delve into the murky recesses of my mind and find out what's important, what body parts aren't important and whether I lie about jacking off and picking my nose.

1. If your house were burning and you only had time to grab three things (assuming kids and pets got out safely), what would they be?
Powerbook (cannot and will not live without it anymore), my Ibis Szazbo and my antique brass and teak better mousetrap that was my grandfather's before he died and remains one of my most prized possessions.

2. What's the age of the oldest piece of food(cheese maybe) in your fridge?
Probably my aged Reggiano Parmesano, but its supposed to be aged. Something like two years or something like that and it is far and away the best parmesan in the known universe. Accept no substitutes. Though maybe the sake counts too? P's been pretty good about clearing out the mold experiments before they go through a second and third evolution.

3. Are you open, or do you lie about masturbation/digging your nose to others?
Depends, I'm open with people I know and trust but I don't really broach the nose picking topic with strangers, it seems to put them off.
But yeah, I masturbate. How's that for open?

4. Is the USA too deeply buried in consumerism and crass over marketing? What can be done about it?
Yes, we are wallowing in a sea of branded consumerism. What can be done? Its gotta happen on an individual level, change away from brands or support those that are aligned with your political beliefs. Other things, get a Tivo if you must watch TV so that you can zap commercials. Wear handmade clothes. Grow your own food. Vote. Encourage other people to vote, tell the couch potatoes that there's a laziness tax that might pass if they don't vote. Vollunteer time with kids.

5. What was the last lie you told and do you still feel okay about telling it? What would be the consequences if you were found out?
Almost certainly something work related, "Did you email so and so?" "Sure did, haven't heard anything back yet though." And then I'll go and scramble off to get it done before I get caught.

6. If you have to chop off a part of your body to live, what part is it going to be and how would you do it?
I suppose the easy ones would be a finger or a toe because we've got so many to begin with. But what about something redundant like a kidney? Or a testicle (and no, I'm not going that route on this one, no knives near my nuts, thanks)? I think I'll end up taking the easy way out on this and say my left pinkie toe, its ugly anyway and the nail has never grown properly, heck why not take the right pinkie toe too just so I can stay even?