
Pics of my New Bike
Posted a short write up of my new Ibis Szazbo full suspension mountain bike over on NorCal Bikers last night but thought I'd put the pics up here for the (slightly) more mainstream traffic this site draws. Sure they're no See-thru panty skirt Pics but at least my bike's real. The skirt pics are, sadly, not. Don't believe me? Click here for the story.
The Szazbo from the sideThe Szaz from the front

Pending Review
I watched Formula 51 this weekend and loved it. That's the short review, the longer one is in the works. But if you've not seen it then go rent it or buy it. It will make an excellent addition to your collection. I laughed out loud at least six or seven times (much to Paula's chagrin as she had fallen asleep with her head on my chest).

Late Easter Themed Forward
A forward I've had for a little while but have not gotten around to posting. It comes from Esther and goes a little like this, Peep Research. Need a low key laugh? Check it out and then think about the time it took to do this. From concept to execution. Strange stuff indeed.