
Big Days Ahead for Camp IntePoi
One more night in the beach house before we make the big move this weekend. Paula's giving me some trouble about not being packed up enough yet. But I figure, with all her stuff already ready to go, I'll be able to pack, put things downstairs and sort of continue the fire line of loading the truck up.
My plan is to hit the bars for a little bit tonight and recruit some of those happy vollunteers from last weekend. Now that its time to actually move, I'm happy to take any and all help we can get. There really is an awful lot to do in the next 70 hours or so. But it'll be fun for the most part. Any new change is always fun in its own way.

We're now in negotiations to decide on what we need for the place first. The number one thing is a kitchen table and then we descend into chaos. I think my desire is to get the house filled as much as we can and then re-evaluate from there.

But before we get to the moving things around stage, I need to get some work done today before the weekend. Lots of stuff going on and lots of other writing to get taken care of.

Today's Quote
From the days when being President of the United States meant you were a man of honor and integrity instead of pursuing your buddy's oil interests because, come on now, let's face it, $500 million sounds sooooooo much better than $275 million. Stupid greedheaded jerkwads.
Anyway, today's quote comes from Abraham Lincoln - I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.

And my horoscope for the day as well? Virgo (remember 9/11? yeah, that's me)- Economize by any means that seem appropriate. Take short cuts, bring your own snacks and borrow instead of buying. Saving time and money isn't just about being cheap. It's also an act of wisdom. Sticking to the path and staying within the lines serves some people as their life philosophy. When you think about where you're going, it's a spiritual journey as well as a physical destination. Knowing your own mind makes you a powerful force among those who are happy to drift or don't know how to stop. You can show them the way, if you feel that it's your job.

Another Cool Blog Trick
Came across a link from Blogstreet in my logs and, never having heard of it, thought I'd check it out. They have a cool system that lets you see the network of blogs that make up your (or my) Blog 'Hood. There's a more abbreviated version but the big one is a better source of finding blogs that are created in the same vein as my own. Its also incredibly easy to see where all the other neighborhoods are as well.

Seems like a reasonably good way to find some new and interesting blogs to peruse.