Stripper Fascination
I just turned down an invite to a stripper party this weekend and again I'm struck by how very different my thinking is from my peers.
The idea of paying a woman to shake her titties and ass at me, while interesting, isn't erotic to me or, at least, not in the right way. Strippers and strip clubs aren't about sex or sexuality, they are about mass marketed flesh, pre-packaged, silicon or saline enhanced dancer drones that are earning a living.
The last time I went to a strip club was more than four years ago, for a bachelor party which is about the only way I will go to one. My over riding sense while in a strip club is the lameness of it all really. Sure, hot chicks with great bodies and plastic smiles but masses upon masses of, well, nasty gross bastards who won't and shouldn't get laid in their lives. And perhaps that's the real place of the strip club, to keep the gene pool untainted by their ghoulish genes. Strip club crawlers, yeah, nice nick for them.
Anyway, I find myself wondering about the girl behind the stripper while she's shaking her assets. Wondering what she's like when she's not on stage in her birthday suit making a living by selling views of her bod (and let's face it, possibly and sometimes probably more). Does she like to read or is she a TV person, is she doing this to get through school? What makes her tick? Does she accept or deny the dual exploitation going on? Is she a sexual person or is this just fakery to her? Would she ever date a guy she danced for first? What does her father think of her work?
Not that I'm not aroused by her nakedness and ability to move her body, the simulation of sexual congress or whatever the under riding motivation might be. I am, I'm a guy and tits and ass and naked women are a turn on but its an embarrassing turn on to me. Sitting around with a bunch of guys in the dark with a boner that you can't do anything with? I just don't see the fun in it. And don't even think about the whole jacking in the dark thing, that's just gross (go home, Pee Wee Herman, go home, you too George Michael). The idea of slapping the joystick with a bunch of strange men is more than just a little unsettling and not because of any homophobic worries. Its just unseemly.
So it comes back to, why would I want to be uncomfortably erect with dozens of men and a few women around and no means to relieve that tension? Why would I pay a fair chunk of money to be uncomfortable? Why would I go to a place where, if you're ardor gets the better of you and you attempt to physically contact a stripper, huge monkey faced goons will trounce you and toss you into the street. Or you can pay a stripper $40 or some sum for a five minute lap dance.
And lap dances are only fun if that's where things start. Which means more and more cash and more and more exploitation on both sides. Its a sordid and ugly business really. Especially if you've got a woman who loves you deeply and dearly at home who will do anything a stripper will do and much more because she loves you. That and the payments are spread out a lot longer!
But hey, maybe I just don't really know what I'm missing or something? Set me straight, guys. Or if women reading want to sound off about male strippers, go for it. Am I the norm or the anamoly?
And, because what post is complete with some linkin' going on. How's about a link to CaliforniaDreamGirls? Where you can find out what makes tick and how to find the key to her heart (which is money and lots of it, the sweet chica says). Or how about ? But for the party I turned down here they are Nadia, Danielle, Ali, Brittney, Candy, Hailie and Lexi. And that's in order of appearance, woohoo!
Other News: What OS Am I?
Apparently I'm not a Mac guy at all but a latent and lost Linux fella. See here.
Which OS are You?
Funny thing is that this is pretty right on, I think. People do think I'm insane sometimes and I do take longer routes to solutions but they work better for longer (my justication for taking my time). I don't know for sure about being brighter than my peers but hey, I'll buy it for a buck. Also, came across Quizilla where they've got loads of fun little tests to take, or some I think because the quiz pages would never load up for me. Maybe you all will have better luck than I.
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