
Awaited With Baited Breath? Or Just Chewing on Nightcrawlers?
Anyway, tonight's the finale of a new brand, the front runner of the new breed or reality TV shows. Its Joe Millionaire's night to choose one of the final two, Sarah or Zora (who people must be working feverishly to dig up some dirt, ANY dirt about). He chooses one and then must, metophorically, lay down on the table and hand her a knife with which to carve his heart out.
He has to come clean about being a poor(ish) worker man (who also happened to model men's sheer and shiny banana hammocks). And then there's got to be the expose show where all the girls get to grill him on TV and steal a few more minutes of fame. I'll bet the offers for real porn are just pouring in to Sarah's in-box.

I'll be watching but I'll almost certainly be switching back and forth between that and the Sharks game. Just as much drama in hockey as there is in really fake TV. Maybe that should be the real name for the reality tv genre? Something like Realfake TV or Really Not Really Reality TV because its not reality. Its a vision of what reality might be but there are dozens of subplots, or subterfuges and other good S word fun to toss around.

Anyway, I'm looking at my cruiser and trying to figure out some way to blaze out of here early so I can go pedaling for the afternoon. Anyone got any ideas?

Gratuitious Boob Shot
From TonyPierce comes Courtney Love's Boobs. Mind you, I'm not endorsing what Tony writes on his blog, which comes across as hallucinatorily inclined combined with a shot or two of crudity and anti-subtlety but is still entertaining and worth a read nonetheless.. There are numerous pleas for money though so beware, maybe this needs a new category applied to it, blegging - the act of turning your web log into a forum to weasel money out of readers.