
The Sweet Taste of Pop Star Failure and More Celebrity Poo Tossing

Britney's Restaurant Goes Belly Up and not to the bar. She owes more than $400,000 because of the bad food and bad service. Oh yeah, and Britney NEVER stopped by diner's tables to see how they were doing.
Celine Dion Pays $2Mil in Hush Money to some woman her husband fondled in an elevator. I guess anything to avoid having to touch her, eh?
Married by America, on Lockdown by Fox which talks about the highly restricted living arrangements that Fox forced upon the contestants of this grotesque show. I've watched it once or twice and the producers of these shows need to make another option. No one wins. It should be possible to kick them all off the island. Same thing for Survivor.
Courtesy of The Smoking Gun

More Cool Blog Action
Finally got a chance to check out April Winchel and her huge list of cool MP3's (though they download to my computer as MP2's, anyone explain that?). She's also got some funny celebrity spoofing pics (note, these are meant in humor, if you're offended by digital photo manipulation to add 100 pounds to previously gorgeous women then you might want to pass on these, they're not kind but they are funny) like no longer covered here. Go to her site and check them out, or I'll download them and upload to my own damned server. I hate it when people are tight like that. I take back everything good I've said about April.

Or not, I just checked the links and April's site accuses me of stealing her bandwidth, soooo see ya later, April. And possibly this is a topic for its own post but why make it hard for people to link to your site? So long as there's a site attribution then really what are they so jacked about? Yep, I think this'll have to get its own post to expand out the ideas a bit. Anyway, go see April's stuff but don't try to link to any of it, she doesn't like to share, must have been an only child.

And check out AntiBloggies for some blog humor and a round of awards.

Blog Site Additions
Added a new section on the left there, I'm going to publish the updates in the blog so as to have copies moving forward.
Listening: White Stripes, Seven Nation Army

Reading: Robert Wright, Non Zero

Watching: The Shield

Lusting: Garmin eTrex Legend GPS Reciever