
Words of Wisdom from a Modern Day Confucius
This comes by way of EB, on a quiet Wednesday afternoon in the office they were sharing jokes and this one came up.

Confucius say: Man with dick in peanut butter is fucking nuts.

Cool Insider iPod News
New iPods are on their way to the US as we speak! Redesigned with bigger hard drives, a firewire cradle and other enhancements.
Hardy forwarded me this link to the story.

I'd love to get my hands on a 30 gig iPod! My little 10 gig is stuffed full of music now and I'm looking to expand anyway. And now it looks like the 20 gigs are about to be mothballed which means that the prices for them will be coming down quite a bit more soon.

The only drawback I can see in the new design is that the cool clear cover I've got now won't work with the new design. But it'll work just fine with the 20 gig model. Oooh yeah. And I need to get myself a 256 MB compact flash card for the new S400 on its way.