
A Question
Why in the hell is Billy Sardell, the Round Table Pizza 'Noid starring on some stupid TV show?
I did a double take and realized it was my least favorite pizza spokesman of all time. And then I changed the channel.

In Somewhat Related Food News
The USDA announced, via this press release that the nutrient database information system was operational and ready for business.

However, when I clicked on the link in the release to get to the database software download page, the action timed out without any database software appearing. Maybe it'll be back up and running again later.

Anyway, its a good thing to be able to tell how much people are overeating. We are a nation of obese people and that just makes us look soft and vulnerable for foreign take overs. I think I'll likely get the database running on my Palm unless its some governmentally oversized app that my old Palm V just can't swallow. Then maybe I'll just use that as an excuse to get a pretty new Palm Tungsten.

But in the meantime, keep your fingers crossed that no one else wants to bid on the auction I really, really want. And no, I don't need another bike but I do want one and that's good enough for me.