
Morford Paraquoting God Paraquoting Gandhi in a Letter to Dubya
I had to excerpt part of Mark Morford's latest Morning Fix missive, A Prayer for George W.
Some choice bits excerpted for your benefit.
From Gandhi - "Nonviolence works too, bucko, he wants to remind you. True, it's far more difficult and requires far more internal fortitude and intelligence and calm. Not really your forte.

Peace is always harder than rage, he knows. Smashing and killing is always easier than reasoning and diplomacy. War is the last refuge of the small-minded and the lost. Pretty basic stuff, really. He's just sad you don't seem to get it."

From Jesus Christ hisself - "Which leads us right to prayer cards. What the hell is this? Some sort of sanctimonious pamphlet being handed out to U.S. soldiers in the battlefield, which they're supposed to tear off and send to you to let you know they're praying for you? Oh dear. Are you serious?

Let me get this straight: Soldiers who are right now in the line of fire -- basically thousands and thousands of poor, undereducated young kids, baffled, stunned, patriotically misled -- praying for you and the success of your corporate regime? And not the other way around? Jesus has two words for you, Dubya: Step off."

From God's divine mouth (as Morford speaks it) - "So, then, Dubya, here's my prayer for you: May you be suddenly reinvigorated with shocking amounts of divine sight. May plentitudes of epiphanic illumination and wet soapy awareness scrub your soul clean of the demons of self-righteousness and war and smirky pretense. (Translation: Go commune with Shiva for a change, and stay the hell away from Cheney.) May you go through a major spiritual crisis of meaning and love, some sort of "Christmas Carol" thing where angry ghosts show you shocking truths that make you shudder and recoil and whimper. And may they do it quick."

As always, I'm a better person for having read my Morning Fix