
Some Good Thoughts for 2004
From "Jumpstart Your Life: 52 Ways to Make This Your Best Year Ever" in Men's Health, some things you might like to try and do to add some life to your life instead of watching it on Discovery.

- Let go of all the things you keep saying you're going to do, if you can't devote 15 minutes a day to it then drop it.
- When you go to the gym next, flip your workout and start with what you normally end with, the inversion can help you push past plateaus and boredom.
- Start giving breakfast the attention it deserves, skipping breakfast results in higher BMI and less energy. Best recommended breakfast is a whole grain bagel with a slice of tomato and smoked salmon
- Get all that crap off of your desk. That includes toys, cards and other stuff that doesn't produce or motivate. I think I'll be keeping my George Bush Bobblehead though, thank you very much.
- Give up TV for two weeks.
- Bring a tennis ball to work. When reading documents, squeeze the ball in your right hand to stimulate the left side of your brain which is the where words are processed. If you are looking at diagrams, blueprints or graphical stuff then switch to your left to hand to stimulate the right side of your brain that processes spatial relationships.
- When you get to work tomorrow, come up with 25 ideas in ten minutes. Don't edit, don't judge. Just come up with ideas. And don't forget to write them down.
- Update your resume to help remember what you like and what you want.
- Plan vacations for the next three years.
And last but not least,
- Buy new underwear.