
Short Update
We're back at home for a night before heading south to Big Sur for a couple of days in the woods along the California coast.
In short, the last few days have been a blur and whirlwind of people, places and events. Big events. Rehearsal dinners, weddings, honeymoons (the start of them at least) and stories heaped upon stories that beg to be told but will likely pass into obscurity just for a lack of time and space to relate them all.

I'll see what I can do in the short time I've got right now.
The day was perfect, gorgeous warm and sunny with just enough wind to set the banners whipping nicely (just the effect I was looking for actually). Our official kicked butt and nailed her parts of the ceremony. P and I stumbled our way through, laughed and lost each other in each other's eyes as we went through the ritual. Oh yeah, our flower girls and flower boys were funny as hell which was exactly what they are meant to do in addition to spreading rose petals on the sand.

The vows were short, sweet and complete. We greeted and talked to loads of people as they headed back up the stairs to go to the reception. We walked out a photo shoot on the beach with our photographer with the lighthouse as primary prop for the pictures. She gushed and gushed about the fun and uniqueness of the whole thing and how she had been having a ball. We cannot wait to see how the pictures came out, they should be good fun.

We rode away on the motorcycle, tuxedo and wedding gown but without the cans on string. We stopped at home to catch our breath and had wanted to switch into the car for the reception but the keys and the car were elsewhere.

The reception was awesome. We arrived late, danced our dance quickly, jumped into the food, had some toasts, cut up the cake, mingled, laughed, drank, mingled, reminisced and enjoyed the spectacle of two families and two sets of friends attempting to mash together.

After the reception we went to our hotel to take drop off stuff before heading out onto the wharf to watch the city celebration fireworks display along with the rest of the town. P was still looking fabulous and resplendent in her gown and veil (though with a sweater on as it had cooled off), causing hundreds of double takes and Hey-Did-You's? which was lots of fun for both of us. I'd had to change out of the tux as it just wasn't especially comfortable for long periods.

We joined up our local pals at a bar out on the wharf where they had essentially taken over the bar and we partied there for a long time. As the evening wore on, people drifted off until the wedding party was down to ten or twelve. The plan was to head downtown and go dancing. And P was game but, as we got to the end of the wharf and neared the welcoming hotel bed, I talked her into calling it a night and getting some rest.

That's about all I can write for now. I've got to get some sleep as the last 24 hours have been fun and fast as well. And tomorrow will be a busy one as well.

And yes, there will be more pictures than any of you have any interest in seeing.

It was fun, its been amazing and we've truly, truly enjoyed ourselves immensely. The relief of not having the hugeness of the wedding hanging over us has been really nice too. Aside from the wicked afterglow of enjoying all of the amazing and positive energy of all your friends and family focusing all their love and attention on you at once. And just wait until the B&B and today.