
But How Can their Stock Still Go Up?
Purveyors of poison (the really dumb kind that comes in nasty little cancer stick form) RJ Reynolds Posts $3.45 BILLION loss and yet their stock surged by 11 percent today on the news that they are combining with another tobacco company to make an even huger spewer of poison and killer of people.

The irony is not lost on me that people are buying into a company that kills its customers off with truly frightening regularity.

Can someone explain to me why anyone would willingly buy stock in this company? Or any company that really does nothing but kill people and contribute to the general misery in the world?

Its like buying stock in a company that produces baby torture devices. Its so morally bankrupt that I just can't even access the thought process that leads one to buy their stock. They kill people, everyday. Their products destroy lives, keep people poor and have demonstrated an appalling lack of concern for the fact that they produce nothing but pain, suffering and a satisfying smoke.

I can't wait until some alien civilization comes to exhume our culture and finds the record of the continued sale of these utterly destructive little cancer sticks (maybe I'll start calling them shafts in the spirit of shoving it up Big Tobacco's collective ass).

Anyone out there with RJR in their stock portfolio should be ashamed of themselves for pursuing profit at the expense of livelihood. Thanks for helping these bastards make billions of dollars. Want to buy back some of your soul? Sell off the tobacco stock, all of it, and convince all your friends to do the same. If no one buys their stock then the company stumbles, falters and fails.

The sole silver lining here is that huge loss they've had this quarter. A few more like it and tobacco will disappear from the landscape like the plague it is.