
Crunch Week
Well, if this week doesn't break my back then it'll make me stronger although I'll be one sore bastard next for all the stress and shit going on.

Don't believe me? How's this then?
Work - support a new and highly controversial press release both in the office and at LinuxWorld as well as pushing it out through the standard PR methods of email blasts, editorial calendars and leveraging industry relationships to maximize the exposure on this news. So far this morning we've been picked up by BusinessWeek, CNET, ZDNet, got interviews with TechWeb and InternetNews.com and there's much more on the horizon. And there's more on that horizon. But it can chill until the Linux furor has died down.

Home - well, not mine but my old house. The guys there have until Sunday to vacate and leave a clean house behind or there might just end up being repercusions of the legal kind. And nobody wants the sic lawyers on each other as the only ones who make any money are the sharks themselves. I will have to write up a good long post about all of the details of this deal but I'm trying to walk around with fingers crossed, toes crossed, legs crossed and eyes crossed. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm hoping its daylight and not an oncoming train ready to bury me. So I get to spend some nights this week over there, clearing out old stuff and getting it all gone before the inspection begins this weekend. Oh boy.

Wedding - oh yeah, the wedding. Let's see, biggest SNAFU to date? Um how about scheduling a beach wedding on the day that Santa Cruz will be celebrating its birthday? With fireworks and as many or more people than trampled the sand on the 4th? Yeah, that's a pretty good one. We're seeing what our options are but this is a colossal hassle. We might just be able to shift the time up by a couple of hours but there's also a chance we may have to switch to another beach altogether. But we're hopeful that it's a bump and not a gate on the road to wedded bliss.

P's Work - we're needing to get P working again for numerous reasons, money being an important one but also it helps keep her motivated in other aspect of her life, like exercising and house stuff. I think the structure is important for her to keep on task and not just sort of put things off. And I know I'll get reprimanded for posting this stuff but its part of my overall stress level and that's why its going up here. Not to embarass her in anyway at all.

The other thing is that, like Ms. Leblanc over on intellectual properties, we're taking a hiatus from "it". Lucidity is its own reward and I need all the brain cycles I can be mustering right now. Its been about a week now and I've really not missed it at all and have been getting more and better sleep as well as realizing that those late night snacks were a serious detour for any diet and fitness goals. Since then I've been eating better, working out more and getting my head on straighter. All good things, eh?

I've also begun the process of debt consolidation to get off of some of the truly criminally high finance charges that some of these asshole credit card companies charge. Obscene interest rates that would make the mob blush. No really. The mob charges about 20% in interest on loans but I've got one card that's well above that and it just pisses me off to think about this company that won't adjust the rate at all. Until I've been paying them on time for at least 6 months and then they'll THINK about it. So fuck them, I'm clearing all the cards into one account and will throw alot of money at it until it all goes away and I can answer the phone in the evening without some asshole from Discover or AT&T jabbering in my ear about extra credit protection and that happy bullshit.

One more thing and then I'm back on task again. Is it door to door solicitation season or something? I've had two teenage boys try to sell me crap at my door recently. The first was soliciting donations for a church fund raiser to keep kids off drugs (and presumably on their pastor's laps), he had a hard time understanding that there's no fucking way I'm supporting any religious outreach seeing as how I'm an athiest. I eventually had to just basically tell him to piss off. The other guy was more insistent and was selling free newspapers for 30 days, I had to eventually tell him No and the next time I say it would be rude as hell so take the frigging hint, kid.

Which has led to my new position on door to door solicitors. I'll just say no and when they ask why, I'll say, I don't need a reason, I just have to say yes or no and I'm saying no. Continue to argue with me to try and force a sale will result in my unleashing my anger on them. I'm polite twice and then I'm a complete and severe asshole. I think it'll work on telemarketers too but they don't call anymore anyway so its no worry.

And that's the Monday wrap up. We'll see where my head's at tomorrow night after a full day up in San Francisco at the Moscone Center.