
Best Headline of the Day: Miss USA Out of Rehab!

No wait, here's the whole thing, and no, I did not add Donald J Trump or Rosie O'Donnell to the headline, it was there. Shameless? Yes. Probably effective? Yeah. E! News - Miss USA Out of Rehab - Donald J Trump | Rosie O'Donnell

Anyway, good to Tara Conner (hmm, Tara, Sara, Tara, Sara, maybe this is all a Terminator themed bad dream?) for convincing Teh Donald to let her keep her crown and maybe pose for Playboy. What a great role model Teh Donald is. Suck lemons for ten years, be an amoral buggernaut and come up with an annoying catchphrase and you are there.

But back to the headline. Its a total keeper, clear, succinct, deeply ironic and funny. Maybe even a little melancholic and nostalgic for the good ol' days when people with problems just had lobotomies. I might print out a copy and paste in the wall. Miss USA Out of Rehab. And Lindsay's in. Coincidence? Probably. Should I not be joking about people getting treated for serious conditions? Yeah, maybe.

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