
Torture and Good Aren't on the Same Team

Within the Law where George and Matt stand toe to toe and put their hands in each others faces and Matt asks George the tough questions. But George doesn't want to tip off the enemy to the fact that waterboarding is being used as a torture technique. Because that allows them to adjust.

I'm no fan of Matt Lauer and I was almost as curious about the forced format. They were like Rock'em Sock'em robots just before someone's head pops off. But anyway, Matt pressed him and George squirmed. I think George is more like jello than anything else. He takes the hit and just bounces back to where ever he was before without so much as an afterthought.

He is also a deeply creepy looking guy, almost like a big version of a mall Christmas elf animatronic robot thing. With extra animated eyebrows and finger jabbing action.

Torture is, by his twisted definition, legal. And, to be fair, Bill Clinton didn't define sex as a hummer from an intern. However, blowing a load and beating POWs to death for information are two very different things. One is an affront to a marriage, the other is an affront to all of humanity.

The worst legacy of the Bush administration, hmm maybe make that one of the Bush legacies, should be that they advocated the legalization of torture. That is, they tried to make the United States of America the exact kind of country that we hate and decry as tyrants and exploiters. Torture isn't what the good guys do. Call it naive, call it simplistic, call it what you will but torture and "good" aren't on the same team.

Oh sure, I'm sure there are thousands of instances where much good has come from taking a cane to someone's feet. Or from eletric shock treatment. Or from more horrid forms of torture. But does the good offset and account for the loss of a nation's humanity?

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