
This is NOT About Child Porn

Gonzales wants Internet records saved in case they are needed to pursue traffickers in child pornography.

And anytime Alberto "Me Likee Torture" Gonzales says he respects civil liberties, I wonder if he pauses to see if he's going to be struck by a bolt of lightning and incinerated on the spot because there's never been a more blatant lie.

Now, don't misunderstand me, I am all for vigourous prosecution of people who traffic in child pornography, they ruin lives by exploiting the defenseless and I thoroughly detest scumbags who prey on kids.

But Alberto Gonzales is blowing smoke up an entire nation's ass if he wants me to believe that he wants records saved for child porn crackdowns. These are the same flipping people who want more torture in the world. These are the same people that have basically told the president that he can legally do almost anything he pleases. These are the same people that want to amend the freakin' Constitution because they're so scared of two men or two women being married to each other.

Child porn? You're using that as your smokescreen, Al? You're a slimy turd, aren't ya? Just like ol' Scottie Mac was a slimer. You know, the kind of scum you want to go wash off your hand after shaking their hand. Like the acidic slime on Dick and the smarmy charmy slime on Dubya, you know, the one where he looks shockingly like Alfred E. Neuman from Mad Magazine.

Of course, now the new spin is to look as horrendous as possible so that, when it comes time to try and put someone else from the Grand Old Party in the Oval Office again once the Bush era is thankfully over, its easier to step away from Bush and his politics of lunacy and Bible thump/humping while behaving in the most decidedly un-Christian ways possible.

Who knows what their real reason is for wanting all internet records, maybe to root out depravity and libruls? Probably. Or maybe more nefarious things like less easily recognizable vote rigging (hmm, why are there all these same numbers of votes from all these places in Ohio? must be the damnedest coincidence). And hey, did you know its superduper easy to not only unlock and open a Diebold voting machine but its also just as easy to pull a memory card, replace it with another completely control the vote? Ain't technology grand? Kind of like the Grand Old Party, a bunch of sad fucks bent on looting our nation in the midst of a false war and real problems.

Child porn? What, did the spinsters say the Terrorists and 9/11 drum was off being reskinned again because it had been worn out?

Is it almost time to get the big calendar and start marking off the days until Bush II is over and we can get to the massive indictments against these crooked fucks?