
A Rough End to a Great Day

Today was a really great day for us in many ways. We had a wonderful time at a group called Together in the Park that gets a whole bunch of kids together to play games, paint, play with bubbles and do some quality socialization. Graydon always has a ball playing around and trying to hang out with the bigger boys. And I shot some decent photos, a couple of which might go up on Flickr.

And, after a couple of naps for the boys and a walk for Nande down in the slough where I could get her some running time and try to take some more photos of the egrets. Oh yes, the egrets, the other morning when we went walking there were several dozen of them hunting for food. Big, beautiful white birds and it was pretty wonderful to watch them, even more so when they were startled and a whole bunch lifted up to fly around for a few moments. After the boys had some naps, we loaded up into the car and drove up to San Francisco to go see the Giants play the Rockies.

I'd interviewed last week and was given a set of sweet Club Level seats with a parking pass and the two little guys got in for free!

Grady had a great time when I'd let him run, run, run through the Club Level with me trailing him closely. He was fairly out of control a good portion of the time but he had fun and only bashed into a couple of people while we were out playing.

And Mr. Barry Bonds hit his #723 before the bottom of the ninth shenanigans that saw him tossed by a bad umpire with a big chip on his shoulder and a totally inconsistent strike zone. But, by that time, we had already done a tour of the bleacher section and were making our way out to the car to load up and head for home ahead of the throngs. So we missed the ugliness which included alot of trash being thrown on the field after Bonds got tossed out of the game. And that's fine, we didn't need to have that crap happen and I'm happy to have missed seeing it. And the Giants lost, again. That makes their last 11 game record a pretty pathetic 1 and 10, that's one win and ten losses in their last eleven games. All while the freakin' Dodgers have run 7 straight. Put a fork in the Gyros, they are done.

But I am pretty disgusted with the San Francisco fans for such an utterly lame display of non-class by peppering the field with trash. That just drags the entire team and the city into the gutter and San Francisco is better than that, far better. It makes me sad to think that people would react that way.

On the way home, we made great time until we were just about down the grade on 17 coming into Scotts Valley when Grady made a funny wet coughing noise in the back. And then vomited. And then started wailing loudly as he quite obviously felt like crap. It would appear that a combination of stadium food and the roller coaster ribbon of asphalt that is 17 were a bad combination.

But he's fine now, we got home alright, he got a quick bath and then we laid on the couch and watched some Sesame Street before I laid him down for the night.

I feel awful for him even though he's just fine. And my car smells like partially digested garlic fries. Yeah, nice, eh?

Time to go load up the photos from the game and see what I got. Keep your fingers crossed for some good action!

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