
Random Notes
As always, there are a bunch of random thoughts bouncing around up in the penthouse suite of my body. And instead of making addendum posts to other things. I think I'll just put them up here and maybe add to the post as the day progresses (assuming that they've gotten internet access at the office by now, only a week plus later).
- The Giants are now 6-0 on the season, that's pretty awesome.
- The A's are now 5-1 on the season and that's pretty impressive as well.
- It galls me no end that we're going to have to pay $20 to get rid of the old refridgerator that was given to us by my boss. Why aren't we using it? Because its filthy inside and out. Literally has not been cleaned in at least five years. Nasty.
- We've been in the new house for a month now and still don't have a kitchen table. But neither of us has been bothered by it in the least.
- We made rosettes yesterday morning. Most people know them better as funnel cakes that you get at the circus or carnivals. And yes, they are amazingly good.
- I put up four auctions on Ebay last night with several more to go.
- I'm currently fighting to find the motivation to get going and get to work. And I'm still typing so what does that tell you?
- I need to shave more often.
- Living with Paula has been awesome, obviously not without its share of bumps but overall, we have more fun together than we do apart. Her best friend remarked the other day that she never thought Paula would find someone so like her.
- We had our first out of town visitors this weekend, on Saturday and then on Sunday. Paula's best friend, husband and daughter came down on a windy Saturday to visit. It was a good time, we hit the beach and then a local park. On Sunday, Paula's parents came down for some lunch. They're easy to get along with and I valued George's input on several projects that Paula and I are considering.
- Paula can make a tremendously fabulous tortilla soup. It was awesome! And I might post her recipe at some point.

Now I'm gotta to go shave and get prettied up for the work place. Though I've no idea how long I'll be there. Is it bad to use up sick days because I know I'll never be able to touch my vacation time?