
Found: A Great Sushi Happy Hour
I was going to add this onto the last post about Saturday but thought better of it and will post it on its own.

P and I never did get any more food on the way home although we did stop at the Fry's in San Jose just off of 17. Always a worthwhile stop as there are always sweet deals on some stuff I need or want. Saturday's purchases included a copy of Don Jaun Demarco on DVD for $6 (I don't care what the critics said, I think its a pretty entertaining movie), a cd of Gorillaz vs. Spacemonkeyz and a few other minor things. But it's just a fun place to stop in at and see what's available. There's only so much you can learn from looking at things online.

Anyway, we buzzed back over the hill and past the spot where there was an 18 car pile up on Friday afternoon that took the life of an 8 month old baby. It was one of the worst accidents in years on 17 and should serve as a strong reminder that this road is among the most dangerous in America even if it is loads of fun to drive fast. Or its even better on the Suzuki!

So, upon getting back into town we negotiated where we'd find some sustenance as both of us were starving by now.

No Mexican, no Chinese, no Afghani or the new vegie restaurant (the thought of the heavy curry in the heat of the afternoon made that an easy pass).

And then it hit us, let's go and get us some sushi. So we rolled up to Takara's Tiki Bar just down the street from our house. It was during their new happy hour deal and we dug into a pretty nice little meal.
Started off with a large sake (and another one later) and large Kirin on tap with some edamame (though they use lemon instead of lime it was still excellent).
Then into the rolls, P ordered something called a Yummy Yum or Yummy Yam because that was what was in it, tempura fried yam and avocado, and it was excellent. My choice was the sleeky shrimp which was tempura shrimp, avo and cucumber. And a seaweed salad that P liked alot and I thought was just okay.

They were cool enough to take a roll that I can't remember its name right now and tempura the whole thing. Flash fry it and then slice it up for us. It was awesome!

Fully gorged and happy, we got the bill and were both shocked at how reasonable it was, thanks to the Happy Hour deals. We left a large tip for our server who was awesome and still got out for under $40! Now that's some fine sushi action! And we're going back this week and will try to bring along some other folks so we can have more fun!

The best part of the meal was just spending non rushed time with P, especially since she was still all happy from landing the wedding dress. We had lots of laughs and probably pissed off the two women in the next booth but that's how it goes sometimes. We weren't being overly rude, just loud and having a good time together. I'm amazed at what truly wonderful company she is and how much fun we can have together without pressure to get things done. Life without the weight of the wedding upon us should be filled with lots of fun, I can't wait!

But there are so many steps between now and then that's its hard to imagine that moment when we're married and can begin planning the rest of our time together. It is coming though and I'm so excited for it. Almost as much as I am for the next place we move to that'll have a yard, some privacy, some peace and quiet (the neighbor's boyfriend drives this enormous diesel truck that rumbles our windows when he pulls up and the construction at the school starts early!) and space to stretch out. That way I can get my dog and then I'll be as happy as can be until we start making babies! Yeeha!