
What's Today? Oh Yeah, I Better Get My Taxes Done Soon
Actually its not been anywhere near like that. Its been much closer to, "Where the fuck are my tax forms?" and tearing the house apart from top to bottom.

And the answer to that very pressing question?

Um yeah, the tax stuff was on the bottom of a stack of magazines in the back of the downstairs closet, obscured by clothes, lacrosse sticks, vacuums, camp chairs and a really creepy baby doll.

And I did my taxes, what, six times last night. Got a different answer each and every time. So I did what my best interpretation of Bush's desires (just watched his tax chat on CNBC and he wants to give it all back now and not later) and took the most liberal of the bunch.
I filed online twice but got two different and worse conclusions. One had me paying the government $1300 and the state $800! Umm thanks but I think I'll do this one myself.

But its all done. And out of my hands, just dropped it all in the mail at the post office, one in a plain envelope because the other one got lost and the other looking like a reject from the Dr. Frankenstein School of Envelope Stuffing, taped back together after I'd thought one of my Fed W-2's had gotten in there by mistake. Keep your collective fingers crossed that I don't get dropped into the severe audit pile, like Homer's did in The Trouble with Trillions.

By the way, electronic filing was totally not happening for me. Tried it at least six times on IE, Netscape and Safari (which, by the way, now includes tabbed browsing and is another nail in Netscape's coffin on my system). Never worked. And Telefile wouldn't allow me to include my 401k dispersal which included a big chunk of tax, they had me paying into the government. Thanks but I don't think so.

Blog Re-Org Love
Go and give Layne some props for all the hard work she's put in on her all new Plain Layne powered by Movable Type. Looks good overall, some hiccups but that's to be expected. Now I'm thinking that it should be my turn to migrate to the more robust Blog services. That and integrated comments, why's it taking Blogger so long to realize that commenting is integral to the blogging experience?

Anyone got any other suggestions for a better blogging experience? I know about pMachine, Movable Type, LiveJournal and a couple of others but would love to hear about ones that people are using. Movable Type strikes me as being a bit more difficult to set up than Blogger on a really bad day. If I go that way then I might have to enlist some aid to get it running properly.

Baseball Props to my Team
Yeah, the San Francisco Giants have still only lost one game in this young new baseball season. This is now their third best start ever at twelve and one (12-1), one more win and they tie their second best start at 13 and 1. Then its a big climb to the final precipice at 18-1 or 19-1, I think. But hey, I'll take 12 and 1 any day of the week.
And its not all Bonds by any means, everyone's bringing it to the game. I'm glad they got that one game slump out of the way early and can now proceed to a comfortable 161-1 record for the year. Yuh!

And I started another team called Humian Fortitude which has already been tested as they are dead last in their league right now. So they'll have to persevere and climb out of the basement to the top.