
Super Cool iPod Accessories
As if having an Ipod isn't the coolest thing in the whole wide world, now fashion inclined ladies and very effeminate men can carry around an iPod powered high-style boom box. Its for sale on DrBott.com. But I don't think it comes in any other colors yet. Found it in the pages of the latest issue of Wired, still one of the best technology oriented pubs out there.

Groove Bag by Felicidade

Site Update News
I changed a couple of things on the nav bar left side of the blog today. Added two new gifs for Email and AIM, the Email gif is called DogBoy and is just a little creep really. The AIM gif is, for those who are undercultured, is a very famous pic of Johnny Cash flipping the bird. Mouse over them for extra excitement or just to appease my meager HTML skills ego. Or something.