
Santa Cruz, Love This Town!

 This was my changing room on Sunday when I went out SUPing and SUP surfing. My friend came down to try her hand at SUPing again, she'd tried it the day before, but she chickened out due to aggressive waves and her lack of wetsuit.
Which was okay by me, I got a good cruising paddle in, watched some top notch kayak surfing competition action at the Lane and then spent a few hours SUP surfing among the hordes of other noobs.
Yep, I'm a noob and raw and not very good at surfing at all yet. Yet.
Sorry, SUP surfing. I'm planning on getting a surfboard as well but I need to concentrate on getting one new set of skills in the books before jumping into another sport. Maybe. I've got some feelers out for a loaner board to get rolling on.
This next photo was one I took while out for a bike ride last week. Saw this little family all in their wetsuits, all on two SUPs and looking like they were headed out for adventure. I pulled over, snapped a couple of pics and then they "battled" until the girls SUP tipped over and they tumbled in. Victory was declared and they all laughed and it was just another little happy scene in our happy little surf town.

And here we have a tarted up (that's Fenspeak for thrown through Snapseed filters to make it purtier than originally snapped).

This has been my regular stop in spot for the last year on my way to work. I like to take a moment to appreciate the splendor of the area I have chosen to live in.

Many more images on tap, this place is positively over-flowing with photo ops.


Hot Damn, Back Again!

Like most technical repairs, if you dick around with it enough, you'll either really break it and have to call in an expert or you'll fix it and look like a fucking genius.

Guess who has two thumbs and looks like a fucking genius? This guy. Don't ask me what I did, I did a whole bunch of stuff and the blog is back. Looks like it badly needs to get updated though, huh.

Let's start with some newer images.
Taken during an impromptu beach trip a few weeks ago.

Looks like I still need to fix a few broken pipes, can't access newer images, at least not on this computer (shared house computer).

Will add more tomorrow. It has been a good while since a good update has gone up here. I had a good weekend. Gonna write about it tomorrow.


Trying to Fix

Let's see if republishing now that nameservers have updated and the site should be back under my control. I doubt it, nothing is ever simple anymore, is it?