
Tired of Paying Full Retail?
Then you need to do your shopping the way that Re-code.com says its supposed to be done.
This is a forward from Hardy, who's been getting his share of hits lately it seems (note to self, maybe I should start a scoreboard on Intellectual Poison to see who provides the most and best hits, maybe include voting? ahh, not right now though).

Anyway, Re-code.com purports to enable shoppers to create new bar codes for items in stores. Illegal? Maybe just a little bit. Frugal? Oh yeah. And do you think the big retailers are going to sit idly by? Ummm, that would be a no. Check out, Prankster Site Draws Wal-Mart's Ire.

This is a digitalized take on an old scam we used to pull when I was a teenager with my pal, Jon. Price tag switching. We called it the four finger discount. Basically, find what you want, find something that costs alot less, switch the price tags. Check out on the busiest line with the more tired or stupid or both looking cashier and you get your stuff for 80% off. Never got caught for it but that doesn't make it right, does it?

Anyway, I'm not encouraging people to print out their own bar codes and "soft" steal from places. I just thought it was worth a post on the web log as its inventive, humorous and techno-cool!