
Not Really News But A Validated Hunch

Teen Girls Who Value Thinness More Likely to Smoke

Because, its like, why live if you're not thin? You might as well die anyway or something. Really and smoking's really cool anyway, you look soooo sophisticated and everything. It makes kids look older too, alot older. Like fifty years old by the time you're twenty five. That's, um, that's not really, like, a good thing or something.

And Our Government in Action News
Rick Santorum, the homophobic Senator from Pennsylvania is defending his outrageous comments about homosexuality he made last week.

Impolitic, Maybe, but in Character
This is an out of the closet hater of people, he is a disgrace to the American government, he is a disgrace to his constiuency, he is a disgrace to the human race. Take a look at him and tell me what you think.
Rick Santorum, a boil on the ass of America, picture is linked to the New York Times story

Santorum Defends Constitution while saying that his words were taken out of context and that he never says gays or homosexuals in the interview. But its obvious that this is what he's talking about. And go figure, the Human Events Online.com site bills itself as "The National Conservative Weekly", not just a little slanted, they're just about sideways. And would most obviously try to cover up his bigotry.

This is the third most powerful Republican in America (Note: further research has revealed that he's actually the third most powerful Republican in the Senate, not America, sorry for the confused info), according to the New York Times, and he's a bigot who thinks gays are deviants of nature. He probably also believes in the tooth fairy, that socialized medicine is the same as communism and that marijuana has no medicinal benefits whatsoever (most likely chortling with his fat, white cronies over martinis, cigars and hookers).

And no, I'm not gay but I know a lot of people who are, both male and female. They are fine people, upstanding, caring, honest, hard working, smart, funny and everything else that everyone else is. They most certainly do not deserve to be denigrated by a narrow minded career politico fuck like Rick Santorum.

Good News for Bloggers, but not Blogger
Six Apart Ltd. Announces the TypePad Personal Publishing Service is a press release about the makers of Movable Type that announces the release of a new, easier to use web publishing service. This bodes well for folks like me who can write like the dickens but couldn't code my way out of a wet paper bag.

Thanks to Dan Gillmor for the news. Incidentally, go read his blog if you don't already. He's definitely got his finger on the pulse of technology in the valley.