
Local Scumbag Gets Busted News
I'm not sure how much coverage the whole Laci Peterson ordeal has gotten but its been big news for a long time out here, only forty miles or so from here.
Anyway, I just came across yet another news item on the pending trial now that they've found her body and the body of her unborn son (still not sure if he was birthed and then killed or what, who know but he's dead too and that's a tragedy).

And the husband, the most likely perpetrator of the crime. He was following the OJ Simpson style of investigatory work to find his wife's killers. Yep, he was playing golf. With ten thousand dollars in his pocket, freshly dyed hair and his brother's ID with him. In San Diego which just happens to be right near the Mexican border. Was he planning on bolting? Um. I think that's a pretty safe, hell yeah.

But now they've got him in custody and the newest article I saw was, Prosecutor May Seek Death Penalty in Laci Peterson Case. To which I would like to add, serves you right you monster. If he is proven to have killed his wife and unborn son then this scumbag should be drawn and quartered. What kind of sick bastard would kill his unborn child?

I hope they have a special room waiting for you in hell, Mr. Peterson. An eternity of suffering that you oh so richly deserve.

SARS Update
Um yeah, China, I think we're going to need you to be slightly more forthright in your counting of SARS cases and deaths. For a country of supposedly (in the joyous world of stereotypes) mathmatics geniuses, they seem to have omitted a whole bunch of SARS cases and deaths. Yeah, this is a serious and dangerous situation. This is the flu that kills people. Last number I saw was 4% of infected people die from it.

Think about that for a moment, a room of 50 people with SARS. Two of those people die from it. SARS is real, SARS is dangerous, SARS isn't going to disappear, SARS is potentially one of the most deadly epidemics in waiting.

But at least the Chinese government is turning to technology to help fight the battle. SARS Bulletins Can Be Sent to Cellphones although I'm not quite sure of the utility of knowing that you're in the middle of an outbreak. I would think it would be a much better system for delivering prevention, treatment and symptom information to everyone who could possibly be exposed.