
Has the Wheel Turned and its Our Turn to be Terrorized Again?
I don't want to be alarming (at least not too much) but the news was covered with this story, White Powder Found, Post Office Evacuated. And it makes my conspiracy theory mind race.

Is this just another disgruntled wanker sending baking powder scare letters? Or is it an Al Qaeda sleeper cell or network of sleeper cells that have now been activated with a hidden and deadly agenda?

When did our lives start to look more like a Tom Clancy movie than Mr. Roger's Neighborhood (Rest in Peace, Fred, you are missed)?

Check out the Google News: Biotoxin Stories to see what I mean. There is no safety anywhere anymore and that's exactly what terrorism aims to undermine, to make people's lives less enjoyable, to make them glance over their shoulders looking for death in the wings. Much like the asshole east coast sniper who killed random people in the most cowardly fashion he could. He inspired real terror because there was no agenda, there were just random bullet reports and newly fallen dead people. Very, very hard to dismiss if you're anywhere nearby, even three hundred miles away isn't far enough.

An Open Response to Scott Peterson's Parents
While I wholly understand respect your support for your son during this most trying time. I must humbly point out a few facts that you seem unwilling to recognize that really do go a very long ways to establishing some culpability for your son in the matter of the disappearance and death of his wife and unborn son.

One, if he's innocent then why was he prepared to run? He'd changed his appearance, he'd gotten ahold of his brother's ID, he had $10,000 in cash with him and he was a half hour from the Mexican border.

Two, if he's innocent then how could he not have been utterly destroyed at the loss of his wife and son. He's been stonefaced since they arrested him. No emotion from him at all. Remember in the movie, The Usual Suspects when the cop talks about figuring out which one of three people is a murderer. He puts them in a cell overnight without telling them what they've been charged with and the one that sleeps like a baby is your killer because the other two will be up all night trying to figure out what they did. Your son has shown no remorse, no sadness, no emotion at all. He knows he's guilty but he miscalculated and now faces the death penalty because two lives were ended and not just one.

And he should die for his crimes after he has been convicted of them. And no, I'm not convicting him in the court of public opinion, he convicted himself with his extraordinarily suspect actions since her disappearance. And I'm sorry for you both, it must be horribly difficult to cope with the possibility and likely eventuality of his conviction and further possibility that he will be put to death for his crimes.

But come on now, Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, as you said the other day? No. This situation has nothing to do with Nazi Germany or the, now long lost, Soviet Union. This situation has to do with a husband and father to be committing premeditated murder of his wife and unborn son. The evidence against him must be substantial and strong for the prosecutor to call it a "slam dunk" and he should be reprimanded for being so insensitive to the nature of the case and the parties involved. But Nazi Germany? Come on now. In Nazi Germany, people were persecuted for religious differences and because Hitler needed a scapegoat to blame the German economy on. What possible reflection of that could you find in this situation facing your son?

I'm sorry for you, I really am. For your son, I feel a mixture of rage, anger, sympathy, curiosity and just outright sadness. I would like to believe that he's innocent but the body of evidence (and not anything to do with the courts) against him is pretty overwhelming. If he's not guilty of the murders himself then he certainly had some hand in the matter. And for that, he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

On a side note, I'd not realized that California had such strong laws against fetal homicide not that it's a surprise, but it is new information to me and likely new information to Scott Peterson.