
Crazy Story, Saved by a Blog
Billy over at The Mint posted this about the wackiest blog story I've yet heard.
Check out Accordion Guy for the story. It'll blow your mind.

And it reminded me of a long time new word that's just never made it on to the page yet, craptacular - sarcastic joy usually, refers to poo and spectacular (hey look, I can draw a straight line too!), can refer to a series of events as well.

Fun with Google
I'm sure many people have already done this but its a new trick to me. Go to Google and enter in your phone number with out (ed. note: I really do need to take a moment and read over what I'm posting, that one little omission of the word "out" changes the whole import of the sentence) paratheses or dashes. Google will, in many instances, kick out your name and address and even provide a link to generate a map to your house.

Do it for your parents (who almost certainly haven't blocked their phone number from this sort of thing) or your old phone numbers from where you used to live just to see who's got your number now. Kind of freaky but still cool. Some maps will also include the ability to get a satellite picture of your address (not in real time Enemy of the State style but still pretty ginchy tech). And nowhere near as good as the maps they're using on CNN right now, I think its Global Explorer but am not positive. Those maps are incerdible, zoom in, pan, rotate, whatever you want. Heck, it seems like you could fly the camera right into the buildings.