
The Ol' Camel Day Post
I could venture off into the nasty zone and talk about all the connotations that camels evoke but I'll press on and leave the filth in my wake, for now.
I was reading Carlene's post on her Stiletto Philosophy about the Wi-Fi Zone and the system they have to uncover where the local hot spots are for wireless internet access (sadly only two places in Santa Cruz have wireless access available to the public, UCSC has a system of thier own).

Bud Selig Doing Something SMART for Baseball for a Change
By canceling the Japanese opening day festivities, Bud Selig has demonstrated at least some common sense (quite unlike his almost stone faced "Major League Baseball is losing money at a tremendous rate" when he spoke to the congressional committee). Canceling the trip was necessary because it exposes non-combatants and highly visible ones at that to the tender mercies of the world's crazy folk with agendas. And what better message to send to Americans that we're not safe or welcome outside out borders than the public disruption and killing of some of our sports heroes? That and I really, really like the A's and would be horribly upset if something happened to them, or the Mariners but not so much, I'm an Oaktown boy (and SF Giants fan too).

By the way, there are a whole bunch of sites dedicated to lambasting Selig. Check some out here, Bud Selig is the Devil, Resign Bud Selig, Remove Bud Selig Online Petition and Bud Selig Sucks. Not all of these are purely dedicated to Selig-focused vitriol because, honestly, the guy's really just incredibly boring aside from making some terrible decisions regarding our national past time.

Today's Quote
From Russia with motivation and love, Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given. - Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) Russian dramatist and writer

A Small but Important Anniversary for Me
Today marks my first full year in my new company. With the pending move to new offices, new light, new distance between myself and the admin who drives me nuts, I'm a happy guy. I'm also looking forward to better light, a full review, a raise and some peace of mind.
Anything under a year in a position in PR is viewed with some skepticism so this is a good deal for me. And, as I told Paula last night, my next corporate move will not be laterally but vertically. I'm now able to use the position to push my career further upward instead of just sideways and that's important and empowering.

Minor Site Update News
I've been messing around with some HTML code that I snarked from Scott's Usual Noise and have changed over my top ten lists from the iPod. Now only the name of the band is displayed until the mouse is held over one of the names, then the song title comes up along with how many times its been played recently. I toyed with the idea of linking the band names to the mp3's that I have for the songs but figured I didn't need to give Hilary Rosen any more targets for her ridiculous lawsuit campaign. But I'll continue to monkey around with the code and see what else I can funkify. I also did the same to a few Blog links with more planned, a mini description comes up explaining what the blog's about.

Just in Time
Looks like we got Paula out of San Diego just in time. Man Shot, Killed Inside Mission Beach Home details a shooting that happened literally a block away from her old house. And no, she wouldn't have been in any real danger but its a bit creepy to think that someone was just murdered a block away from where she used to live.